prattle - definição. O que é prattle. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é prattle - definição

·vt To utter as prattle; to Babble; as, to prattle treason.
II. Prattle ·noun Trifling or childish tattle; empty talk; loquacity on trivial subjects; prate; babble.
III. Prattle ·vi To talk much and idly; to Prate; hence, to talk lightly and artlessly, like a child; to utter child's talk.
I. v. n.
See prate.
II. n.
See prate.
¦ verb talk at length in an inconsequential or foolish way.
¦ noun foolish or inconsequential talk.
prattler noun
C16: from Mid. Low Ger. pratelen, from praten (see prate).
Exemplos de pronúncia para prattle
1. Before I prattle on about mindfulness,
Mindful Work _ David Gelles _ Talks at Google
2. for a mind numbed by the day's prattle.
After On - A Novel of Silicon Valley _ Rob Reid _ Talks at Google
3. listen as I prattle on about the flotsam and jetsam of the day;
4. let me prattle on here. But hopefully, you'll enjoy the book and stay
The Audacity to Win _ David Plouffe _ Talks at Google
5. I don't want to prattle on too much here, so we have time for discussion.
The Audacity to Win _ David Plouffe _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para prattle
1. Rejoice, young man in your inferiority, and we in their prattle in our ears.
2. Politicians like to prattle about education and children but in practice none of them has presented anything like a plan.
3. He said he hoped that Mayawati‘s recent promise of a 30–bed hospital would be more than election–year prattle.
4. Pinter "uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression‘s closed rooms", said the Swedish Academy.
5. Even the groundless prattle about how the horror could have been prevented is winding to an end.